It's Working Project



Welcome to the It’s Working Project Blog – where we continue to follow the evolving story of back to work with baby in America. Here you will find pieces that feature or have been authored by Julia Beck. You will see what has captured our imagination and who we are applauding, encouraging and elevating.

We’re committed to providing a comprehensive, honest view of what work looks like for American parents. The It’s Working Project Blog is where we share what’s making headlines and sometimes, making heads spin! Join us as we make sense of the quickly shifting landscape, join the conversation, share your story and invite others as we continue to explore what It’s Working means.

Melanie Fonder Kaye
Melanie Fonder Kaye, Caring Communicator
  Melanie is a woman with not only the will but also the way! Building a career and a family at...
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Tina Lee, Dedicated Doer
Tina Lee is a deeply dedicated doer. A native San Franciscan and technology professional  who saw the...
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Heidi Zak, Super Supportive
How is it possible to be wildly successful and super supportive of women at the same time? Heidi Zak...
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The Spirit Of Giving - Corinne Cannon and the DC Diaper Bank
  The DC Diaper Bank is approaching it’s ten year anniversary. The number of families served...
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The Gift of the Giving Buzz   This has been a year of stepping up. One in which we gave on so many...
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Happy 20th Breastfeeding Center for Greater Washington
What an amazing accomplishment. The Breastfeeding Center of Greater Washington celebrated 20 years of...
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WBW2017: Moms Share Their Support Systems
It’s #WBF2017! Julia Beck takes a look at the essential role a woman’s support system plays in...
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The Cost of Summer Childcare
As we hit the dogs days of summer, we find ourselves looking ahead and planning for fall, when really...
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Pump Room Compliance
What a Pumping Room at Work Should Look Like for Mothers, and Why
This article was originally published in the Washington Post on January 24, 2017   Breast-feeding...
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How Repealing the ACA will Hurt Mothers Who Breastfeed
This article was originally published in the Washington Post on January 24, 2017. Nikki Little gave...
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Betting on Parents in the Workplace
When The White House convened the White House summit on working families three years ago they asked a...
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I Cannot, but IKEA Can
I cannot assemble even one thing from IKEA. IKEA on the other hand has built something remarkable. They...
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