It's Working Project

I have made some major lifestyle changes that have been for the better in this pandemic.

Which of the following are you trying to fit with your job/career? ________________________________________________________________________

Caring for young children (1-5 years)

How has COVID-19 impacted your job/work responsibilities? How has it impacted your responsibility to care for your family?

I was laid off from my position at a college in December 2021 after almost eleven years working in higher education. I am now a Certified Master Life Coach for Working Moms.

Was there ever a time when you felt there was an unspoken barrier or preconceived notion that interfered with your job or career? Please share.

For most of my time working full time and raising my young kids at my previous job, I pretty much "hid" my family life at home. I often felt isolated during those periods of having two kids under 3. I had a 1.5 hour commute and my flexibility was removed after my second maternity leave. I had been struggling with ppd + ppa for months after (I believe I fell through the cracks) and it wasn't until the pandemic happened that it revealed the biggest opening and blessing in disguise for my own life and family. It was a silver lining.

What is one thing you wish your employer understood about you and your life?

I wish my previous employer would have been able to support more remote work for me or offer a job share or part time work.

If you could change one thing about your job to make it easier for you to fit work with your other professional, educational, or caregiver responsibilities, what would it be?

I think childcare subsidy and working part time and more options for Wellbeing / Wellness programs integrated into the day would help for more balance and support. Most working parents have huge amounts of responsibilities outside of work that involve feeding, bathing, helping their children that there is little time for parents to take care of their mental and emotional / physical health. If this was integrated into workplaces, employees would have a better shot at preventing burnout.


We have had our kids in daycare through the pandemic and have been working through the challenge of sicknesses and toggling schedules. We go a day at a time. Most parents with kids under 5 are under immense pressure because kids under 5 cannot get the vaccine. So there is a lot of burnout, stress, and financial implications with the fall out of these past years.

Of all your professional, educational, or caregiver responsibilities, which creates the most stress with your job/career? Please share why?

I think finances end up being something difficult to make work. As a young parent, I'd prefer to work part time and have childcare subsidy or a way to keep my hand in work and have a healthy balance between family and work life. Daycare costs are so high that it's very challenging for most to scale back or change their work. It can be done but it takes some crafting and figuring out.

Thinking about fitting your job/career with your professional, educational, or caregiver responsibilities, is there anything that used to be manageable that no longer is? Is there anything that used to be able to count on, that you no longer can?

I have made some major lifestyle changes that have been for the better in this pandemic. I own my business. I am now fully virtual. I have gained back 4+ hours a day with my family. I am eating healthier. I have more autonomy over my schedule and life and my marriage, relationships, and kids are doing better from the changes I have made. Of course these past years have been hugely taxing on dividing care responsibilities and facing testing etc, but overall, I think we need so much more in terms of supporting working parents at work, at home and in our society. It's not sustainable the way it is.

[If pursuing education] What level of education are you pursuing?__________________________________________________________________________________


[If pursuing education] What motivated you to pursue education at this time, and what do you hope to gain?

I had thought that working in higher education was going to be "family friendly" but it was the direct opposite. It led to my burnout.