It's working for Vicki Squires
Waterbury, Connecticut
1 child
“My best friend [and] sitter was great about keeping me updated and sharing Avery's day and understanding how hard it was for me.”
That the anxiety gets better, that there are wonderful people in my life that will help.
I needed to support us. I had medical issues that led to me having to file for FMLA at about 10 weeks. I just explained that I would be needing time off.
12 weeks. It was actually pretty close to what I expected, except my job gave me more time to re-acclimate than I thought they woul
My best friend/ sitter, she was great about keeping me updated and sharing Avery’s day and understanding how hard it was for me.
My biggest pregnancy indulgence: Steak, lots of red meat.
I never expected scheduling would be so hard and leaving the baby all day would be so much easier!