It's Working Project

"I feel like I work harder now than before because everything that I do is with my girls in mind."

What is one piece of advice you wish you could offer your former expectant self?

You are not superwoman, it’s ok to ask for help!

How much leave did you take, and how comfortable were you taking it?

I took 8 weeks for both of my girls. My workplace is very supportive and made it easy to take the time off.

How easy was it to put a childcare arrangement together and did it work for your family?

Leaving your child to be cared for by another, even if it is a family member, is never easy. My husband and I felt strongly that daycare was the best option. We started at a center and have since moved to a home daycare that could not be better for our family. The only part that makes it easy is knowing that your child loves to go when she runs in the door and doesn’t say bye and when she sometimes needs a little coaxing to come home with mommy at the end of the day. It is reassuring that we made the right choice with the right provider!

What was your biggest challenge going back to work?

The biggest challenge for me is to not sweat the small stuff and to really enjoy the time that I have with my girls. Time goes so fast and I have learned to let the laundry wait to be folded and to really be present in their lives.

Who was your biggest source of support in returning to work? What was your biggest pregnancy indulgence?

No, I did not have a mentor, however I do have lots of friends and family members who recently have had children. It’s great to able to support each other as we all go back to work at different times.