It's working for Kristi G
Arlington, Virginia
1 child
"Work with your supervisor to make a schedule that works for you. Push boundaries. Work part time!"
Don’t follow others’ advice if it doesn’t feel right to you. There’s a lot of bad advice out there.
9 months. I was hesitant but we really needed the money and I missed the thrill of project management. Also my daughter was becoming very active and I felt the classroom would be a fun and engaging place for her as she grows.
Childcare, I was set on having my baby at the preschool down the block from my office but the wait list there was atrocious. We ended up waiting 16 months to get an opening. My daughter started when she was 9 months old.
I was lucky to have a mom deliver 8 weeks before me, so she was my sounding board.
How much I would crazy love my baby.