It's working for Kimberly Coleman, WordPress Developer & Professional Blogger
New York, NY
2 children
"Not going back to an office with a regular schedule was challenging. I have to be a lot more self-disciplined to get everything done work-wise."
Expect the unexpected. (I had no idea that I would entirely change careers.)
I intended on returning to work after a year of maternity leave. By the 9th month of my leave, I realized that I would not return and let my former employer know.
I worked from home and was freely able to breastfeed.
First Child – one year; Second Child – one week (I had changed careers and was writing from home at that point.)
It was not easy. I’m very particular about whom I leave my children with and primarily use family or friends from church when I need to go to outside of the home for work meetings and events.
Once I made the decision to work from home, it became my new reality.
Not going back to an office with a regular schedule was challenging. I have to be a lot more self-disciplined to get everything done work-wise.
My biggest support in working for myself has been my husband. Although he is a teacher (with a much less flexible schedule) now, he was a computer programmer when I initially gave birth to our sons. He had a flexible schedule and could work from home when needed so that helped out a lot.
Working from home, I never expected that “turning work off” would be so hard and “integrating my kids into my work” would be so much easier. (My family loves all of the fun “perks” that come along with being a blogger.). Read Kimberly’s blog at
As a working parent, a bad day is when my kids are sick and I have work deadlines and a good day is when both my family and my clients are happy with my efforts.