It's working for Anonymous
Cincinnati, Ohio
3 children
" I feel like having more options for a longer time off--even 2-4 weeks--would go a long way for getting a solid routine where you didn't feel like a zombie heading back to work."
Keep you options open.
12 weeks. Kid 1, I used PTO for 6 weeks, 6 weeks unpaid. Kid 2, I was part time and no PTO, so entirely unpaid for 12 weeks. Upcoming child, STD for 6 weeks, then PTO for another 4, 2 weeks unpaid. I was sort of ready to go back, but a few more weeks/months to get more into an established sleep routine would have been helpful.
Lack of sleep! 12 weeks is generally not enough time to get an infant into a sleep routine where parents can feel rested. I feel like having more options for a longer time off–even 2-4 weeks–would go a long way for getting a solid routine where you didn’t feel like a zombie heading back to work.