It's Working Project

" I feel like having more options for a longer time off--even 2-4 weeks--would go a long way for getting a solid routine where you didn't feel like a zombie heading back to work."

What is one piece of advice you wish you could offer your former expectant self?

Keep you options open.

How much leave did you take, and how comfortable were you taking it?

12 weeks. Kid 1, I used PTO for 6 weeks, 6 weeks unpaid. Kid 2, I was part time and no PTO, so entirely unpaid for 12 weeks. Upcoming child, STD for 6 weeks, then PTO for another 4, 2 weeks unpaid. I was sort of ready to go back, but a few more weeks/months to get more into an established sleep routine would have been helpful.

What was your biggest challenge going back to work?

Lack of sleep! 12 weeks is generally not enough time to get an infant into a sleep routine where parents can feel rested. I feel like having more options for a longer time off–even 2-4 weeks–would go a long way for getting a solid routine where you didn’t feel like a zombie heading back to work.