It's working for Denise Albert, Public Figure and Co-Founder of The MOMS and Mamarazzi
New York, NY
2 children
Well, we did what you’re not supposed to do. We started a business without a business plan and I’m glad we did. Had we had a plan, it would have been to have a TV show. We did that, but so much more. We created a community and a business around our Celebrity Mamarazzi events.
Enjoy every moment. Try to love your body no matter how uncomfortable you may feel or how big you may get. I have written about the fact that I didn’t enjoy being pregnant, now that I have age
and wisdom, I was just uncomfortable with how I looked and how it made me feel. I wish I could go back and just enjoy every single moment. It wasn’t about how anyone made me feel, it truly
was from within. Your body will do what it does and for me, it didn’t matter how much I ate, if I looked at food, it attached to my body. My second pregnancy I really watched myself and ate
more carefully and I gained 50 pounds again, the same as the first time. I probably could have worked out more or done things differently, but I was also working a lot, was focused on my
career and I was young and naive and if I could do it all over again and celebrate myself and enjoy and feel confident in every way, I would.
It’s just me. It’s not for everyone but I find the strength in the responses and the wisdom and love that I receive from friends and strangers who read my posts or stories and share their messages,
their experiences and their thoughts with me. I often talk about how sharing my cancer journey helped get me through cancer. I would bring my computer to my cancer treatments thinking I
would have 6-8 hours to work. When I would get to the hospital, I would share a picture and my authentic thoughts and then the responses and texts and messages that would come in would keep
me occupied and focused for the rest of the day. I learned so much from others who had been on the path before me and I connected with them. I needed the support and encouragement and it
truly saved me…this community that formed each time on my social platforms. Not everyone can share so openly, but even responding to someone privately can be so helpful to them and even
perhaps enlightening or helpful for you.
Thank you! The MOMS went through so much during the past few years, but especially during COVID. I would say in many ways, part of our business is a COVID Casualty. Most of what we
have been doing for the past few years is our Celebrity Mamarazzi events. We have hosted about 400 events with celebrities, mostly in NY and LA, for the parenting community. We partner with
brands who also want to reach our audience of moms. When the pandemic began, we tried to quickly shift to Virtual. It worked but as the months went by we saw a lot of virtual fatigue. Also,
many of the brands we work with went through many changes and stopped targeting and partnering with companies like ours for a bit due to the political climate and also went dark for
some time. At the same time, we worked really hard on building an e-commerce platform and were able to secure our first financial investor. So it’s been difficult and exciting and like so many
other entrepreneurs, we have a lot to do to figure out where we are headed!
One day at a time. Obviously I look and plan my calendar each week but ultimately I try not to worry or make myself crazy. It’s obviously been harder in some ways during this pandemic since
I’m always with my kids and it’s been harder to motivate myself and focus. With the kids not always in school and becoming accustomed to my full attention, or 3 meals a day, it’s been a
challenge. We are NOT supposed to be together this much!!! 🙂 I did take a period of time “off” this summer. I really haven’t taken a break, ever….so I was away, living in Maine with my
ex-husband, his wife, her ex-husband and my two boys and their two girls. My business partner Melissa and her family joined us for a period also. I have never “summered”, so while business
was slow, I made a conscious decision to enjoy every day and take the time with my kids. I have no regrets. I loved every minute of it and was living my best life during a very difficult time.
On the other hand, there’s no shuttling the kids around, no being caught with having to be so many places, no being in a rush. So I really have learned to be calm, and enjoy the simpler life. I
know what it’s like to be sick, so the fact that we have all stayed healthy, even if it meant quarantining with my ex, was worth it 😉
I’ve always been really good at making myself a priority. Probably much more so since I’ve been working for myself and can be flexible with my time. I always make time to work out. I always
make time for a social life. I always make time for family and friends. My kids stay with their dad every Wednesday night and every other weekend and I always make sure I have plans with friends
or in pre-covid times, a concert, a dinner out or a long walk with people I want to be around. This part is not hard work for me. I love adventures and living life!!!
It was so hard. At the time I had my first son, I was working in network news. It was stressful, around the clock and very difficult for me. I wanted to continue in my career but also be around
for my son. I went back after maternity leave for 3 months and just couldn’t continue. Luckily, I was able to find another job right away working for Magician David Blaine. The hours were
flexible, he trusted and knew that I would always work hard and could even work from home when needed. It was incredibly helpful and David was even a bit before his time. It was a small office, a small staff and actually I worked probably just as hard or harder than before but felt really good about doing it all.
Don’t leave your day job until you are really ready. I continued to work for David for a few years while we were getting started. When it was time, when we were making money and when I felt
secure to do full time, I was able to do so. That’s also not for everyone, but it’s what worked for me. Also, make sure if you have a partner, that the partnership works, you have the same goals,
the same work ethic and possibly different skill sets and open communication.
We are still in it! Follow along!!!!
Well, we did what you’re not supposed to do. We started a business without a business plan and I’m glad we did. Had we had a plan, it would have been to have a TV show. We did that, but so
much more. We created a community and a business around our Celebrity Mamarazzi events. Had we made a plan, we never would have known or thought of this. It organically came out of a
segment on our TV show and we wanted to create a community instead of just interviewing people. So I think sometimes, you start on one path, and you don’t know where it will lead you,
and that’s ok. Now we have a plan to scale and grow, it’s scary and we have a few different obstacles now but that’s ok too.
Anything is Possible, with hard work, passion and dedication. My kids may be sick of hearing me say it by now 🙂 Also live, love, laugh. These are my mottos that I live by every single day. No
matter what happens, what obstacles are in your path, keeping these thoughts and trying to stay positive no matter what, is how I live my life.
My parents. Always. My biggest supporters and fans. My kids too!