It's working for Tammy Forsyth
Silver Spring, MD
2 children
Finding other mothers and a community helped me find my new normal.
To keep my identity for myself and not lose who I am as a person. I devoted everything to my family, and I forgot that I need to keep myself healthy too for balance.
I decided to stay home because my husband and I both worked in television news — for the same company — which had long hours. Our son would have been in daycare 12 hours a day. 16 years ago family-focused or flexible work situations did not exist in our industry. I just returned to work after 16 years of being a stay at home parent and I love it!
If I had stayed on staff I would have been pumping in the stall in the bathroom, or I may have gone into an editing room and closed the door, but they didn’t lock. I tried with my first son and was not able to nurse. For our second son I nursed for a year.
Six weeks.
It was a stressful at first, because we needed my income but daycare was expensive. Then my husband got a new job that paid more that allowed me to stay home, and I liked staying home when they were babies and young children. It worked for us and I was so focused on being a mom.
When I got into a mom’s playgroup when my first son was 18 months. Finding other mothers and a community helped me find my new normal.
Finding a new position after a hiatus.
As a working parent, I never thought getting back into the workforce would be so hard and my family adapting to it would be so much easier!