It's Working Project

"I really think stepping back into a job that was sometimes 60 hours a week and involved being on-call really contributed to my developing PPD."

What was your primary motivation for deciding to return (or not) to work? How early did you tell your employer?

You really aren’t going to know how you feel about going back to work until you actually have your child and live it. And you CAN change your mind. I did.

FOR MOMS: If you breastfed, was there a place for you to pump that met your needs and was conducive to your success? If you breastfed, how did you decide to continue? FOR DADS: What, if any, adjustments did you (or your workplace) make to your schedule after having a baby? Was it specific to your manager or larger, whole work culture?

I wanted to breastfeed and did. I wanted the bond with my child. I wanted the nutritional and immune benefits. Mostly I wanted to not spend money on formula!

How much leave did you take, and how comfortable were you taking it?

12 weeks. I was miserable. I really think stepping back into a job that was sometimes 60 hours a week and involved being on-call really contributed to my developing PPD.

What was your biggest challenge going back to work?

I just missed my baby a whole lot.