It's working for Megan H
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 child
“It’s never going to get easier… juggling a career as a mother and a career in the corporate world. “
It’s never going to get easier… juggling a career as a mother and a career in the corporate world.
I was 4 months along when I shared the news with my manager. I shared it during a regular “touch base” with our team. My manager at the time was also expecting.
I pumped at work a lot. Elsie was fed exclusively breast milk up until she was 10 months. Therefore, meetings and calendars had to be adjusted to accommodate my bulging breasts :).
I took 14 weeks. However I started working part time after 12 weeks to get back on track. This was always my original plan.
My direct manager and my peers were extremely supportive.
I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, so I couldn’t have my consistent craving of sweets. However, I made up for that with a lot of fabulous manicures and pedicures!!
I never expected 3-year olds (or threenagers) would be so hard and infants would be so much easier!