It's working for Jane Black
Brooklyn, New York
1 child
“I wish very much that I had taken the full four months off. It was hard to go back to work so soon and not terribly productive because I was so tired and still settling in.”
That nothing will ever be the same again: my time, my priorities, my interests … my energy levels!
I was working for myself so that was easy. But I did have a fellowship and told them when I was about four months along.
I went back to work part time at 8 weeks, full time at 4 months. I wish very much that I had taken the full four months off. It was hard to go back to work so soon and not terribly productive because I was so tired and still settling in.
My husband and my first “mommy friend.” Talking with someone who was going through the same thing and who could really empathize with the challenges and identity issues was a blessing.
I never expected being ambitious would be so hard and being productive would be so much easier!