It's working for Anonymous
Bridgewater, New Jersey
2 children
"I have my own office, so I don't have to worry about finding a place to [pump], but I often have a hard time finding time to do it due to meetings."
Work together to make sure everything isn’t falling on one person.
I wanted to exclusively breastfeed, knowing that was what was best for my baby and myself. However, supply issues with my first led to mixed feeding with mostly formula after a few months. My second is 5 months old and is starting to get more and more formula.
I was on leave for 4 months both times. I was sad to leave my babies at daycare, but excited about returning to work because I like my job.
For my first child, I was worried about finding a good daycare, and also worried about trying to catch up on what happened while I was gone. For my second child, I didn’t have to worry about daycare because we already had one. However, I was concerned about catching up with work because there were a lot of staffing changes that occurred while I was on leave and I was worried that I would be asked to take on a different role. (However, that did not end up being an issue.)
Exactly how difficult it would be to juggle being a mom and working.